Ibiza Taxi Guide 2025
This guide covers the taxi fares, booking options, and other key details for 2025.
Taxi Fare Structure
Day Tariff (07:00–21:00):
Base Fare: €4.00
Per Kilometer: €1.21
Waiting Time (per hour): €21.70
Night & Weekend Tariff (21:00–07:00, Saturdays from 3:00 PM, and public holidays):
Base Fare: €4.00
Per Kilometer: €1.47
Waiting Time (per hour): €26.57
Additional Charges
Booking Fee (Phone or App): €1.45
Airport/Port Supplement: €2.00
Capacity of Taxis
Ibiza taxis can carry up to 4 passengers, including babies and children. If your group exceeds 4 passengers, you will need to book additional taxis.
How to Recognize Official Taxis
Color: Official taxis are white.
Green Light: The green light on top indicates availability.
Blue License Plate: All licensed taxis have a distinctive blue plate at the back.
How to Book a Taxi
1. Taxi Ranks: Located at popular locations such as airports, ports, and main tourist areas.
2. Phone Booking: Call one of the taxi companies listed below (€1.45 booking fee applies).
3. Via App: Use the TaxiClick app to request a taxi (€1.45 booking fee applies).
Taxi Fares by Distance
Here are approximate fares for distances from 1 km to 40 km:
1 km: €5.21 (day), €5.47 (night)
2 km: €6.42 (day), €6.94 (night)
3 km: €7.63 (day), €8.41 (night)
4 km: €8.84 (day), €9.88 (night)
5 km: €10.05 (day), €11.35 (night)
6 km: €11.26 (day), €12.82 (night)
7 km: €12.47 (day), €14.29 (night)
8 km: €13.68 (day), €15.76 (night)
9 km: €14.89 (day), €17.23 (night)
10 km: €16.10 (day), €18.70 (night)
11 km: €17.31 (day), €20.17 (night)
12 km: €18.52 (day), €21.64 (night)
13 km: €19.73 (day), €23.11 (night)
14 km: €20.94 (day), €24.58 (night)
15 km: €22.15 (day), €26.05 (night)
16 km: €23.36 (day), €27.52 (night)
17 km: €24.57 (day), €28.99 (night)
18 km: €25.78 (day), €30.46 (night)
19 km: €26.99 (day), €31.93 (night)
20 km: €28.20 (day), €33.40 (night)
21 km: €29.41 (day), €34.87 (night)
22 km: €30.62 (day), €36.34 (night)
23 km: €31.83 (day), €37.81 (night)
24 km: €33.04 (day), €39.28 (night)
25 km: €34.25 (day), €40.75 (night)
26 km: €35.46 (day), €42.22 (night)
27 km: €36.67 (day), €43.69 (night)
28 km: €37.88 (day), €45.16 (night)
29 km: €39.09 (day), €46.63 (night)
30 km: €40.30 (day), €48.10 (night)
31 km: €41.51 (day), €49.57 (night)
32 km: €42.72 (day), €51.04 (night)
33 km: €43.93 (day), €52.51 (night)
34 km: €45.14 (day), €53.98 (night)
35 km: €46.35 (day), €55.45 (night)
36 km: €47.56 (day), €56.92 (night)
37 km: €48.77 (day), €58.39 (night)
38 km: €49.98 (day), €59.86 (night)
39 km: €51.19 (day), €61.33 (night)
40 km: €52.40 (day), €62.80 (night)
Taxi Companies in Ibiza
Here are some taxi companies you can contact to book a ride:
Ibiza Town (Eivissa): +34 971 39 84 83
San Antonio: +34 971 34 37 64
Santa Eulalia: +34 971 33 33 33
Sant Josep: +34 971 80 00 80
TaxiClick App Support: Accessible through the app.
We recommend that you only use authorized taxis in designated areas to avoid scams. Pay no attention to drivers offering their services outside of these areas. Always ask for the receipt in case you want to make a request or claim.
The taxi rank is located in front of the Arrivals Hall of the main terminal building.
We must inform you that, in Ibiza, taxis are not allowed for more than 4 passengers besides the driver, due to the transport law in Ibiza. If a taxi provided that service, it would be illegal.
The basic fee is charged at the start of the journey. A distance charge is then added for each kilometer driven. If the taxi has to wait for the passengers or if the speed has to be reduced due to traffic, the taximeter now calculates the standing or waiting time instead of the distance driven. In many areas there are different taxi fares from certain times (at night, at weekends, on public holidays).
The reservation can only be made throught Taxiclick App or calling +34 971 33 33 33
We do not provide baby seats or boosters, so if you travel with children under 12, you must bring your own.
Le recomendamos que sólo utilice taxis autorizados en las zonas designadas para evitar estafas. No presten atención a los conductores que ofrecen sus servicios fuera de estas áreas. Solicite siempre el recibo en caso de que desee poner una solicitud o reclamación.
Debemos informarle que, en Ibiza, no está permitido taxis para más de 4 pasajeros además del conductor, debido a la ley de transporte en Ibiza, Si un taxi diera ese servicio, sería ilegal.
Hay una tarifa mínima de salida al comienzo del servicio, después va aumentando la tarifa a medida que el taxi recorre kilómetros. Si el taxi ha de esperar por los pasajeros o debe reducir la velocidad debido al trafico, el taxímetro calcula la tarifa en función del tiempo de espera en lugar de la distancia recorrida. También hay distintos tipos de tarifas dependiendo de la hora del día o día ( de noche, fines de semana, días festivos..)
Nosotros no disponemos de elevadores ni de sillas para bebé, por lo que si viaja con menores de 12 años deberá utilizar su propia silla de bebé o elevador.
La reserva solo puede realizarse mediante aplicación Taxiclick o llamando al teléfono 971 33 33 33
Wir empfehlen Ihnen, nur autorisierte Taxis in ausgewiesenen Bereichen zu benutzen, um Betrug zu vermeiden. Achten Sie nicht auf Fahrer, die ihre Dienste außerhalb dieser Bereiche anbieten. Fragen Sie immer nach der Quittung, falls Sie eine Anfrage oder Reklamation stellen möchten. Der Taxistand befindet sich vor der Ankunftshalle des Hauptterminalgebäudes.
Wir müssen Sie darüber informieren, dass Taxis auf Ibiza aufgrund des Transportgesetzes auf Ibiza nicht für mehr als 4 Passagiere außer dem Fahrer zugelassen sind. Wenn ein Taxi diesen Service anbieten würde, wäre es illegal.
Die Grundgebühr wird bei Fahrtantritt erhoben. Für jeden gefahrenen Kilometer wird dann eine Entfernungspauschale berechnet. Muss das Taxi auf die Fahrgäste warten oder muss die Geschwindigkeit verkehrsbedingt reduziert werden, errechnet der Taxameter nun die Stand- bzw. Wartezeit statt der gefahrenen Strecke. In vielen Gebieten gelten ab bestimmten Zeiten (nachts, am Wochenende, an Feiertagen) unterschiedliche Taxitarife.
Die Reservierung kann nur über die Taxiclick-App oder telefonisch unter +34 971 33 33 33 vorgenommen werden
Wir stellen keine Kindersitze oder Sitzerhöhungen zur Verfügung. Wenn Sie also mit Kindern unter 12 Jahren reisen, müssen Sie Ihre eigenen mitbringen.
Si consiglia di utilizzare solo taxi autorizzati nelle zone designate per evitare truffe. Non prestate attenzione ai conducenti che offrono i loro servizi al di fuori di queste aree. Richiedi sempre la ricevuta nel caso in cui desideri inviare una richiesta o un reclamo.
Dobbiamo informarvi che, a Ibiza, non è consentito taxi per più di 4 passeggeri oltre al conducente, a causa della legge di trasporto in Ibiza, Se un taxi dà quel servizio, sarebbe illegale.
C'è una tariffa minima di partenza all'inizio del servizio, poi aumenta la tariffa man mano che il taxi percorre chilometri. Se il taxi deve attendere i passeggeri o deve rallentare a causa del traffico, il tassametro calcola la tariffa in base al tempo di attesa invece della distanza percorsa. Ci sono anche diversi tipi di tariffe a seconda dell'ora del giorno o del giorno ( notte, fine settimana, giorni festivi..)
Non abbiamo ascensori o seggiolini per bambini, quindi se viaggi con bambini di età inferiore ai 12 anni devi usare il tuo seggiolino.
La prenotazione può essere effettuata solo tramite l'applicazione Taxiclick o chiamando al numero 971 33 33 33 33.